The story takes place within Neo Tokyo in the year 2025, five years after a severe terrorist attack at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Students possessing special abilities are forced into serving an elite anti-terrorist unit created by the United Nations, fighting against threats including other ability users. If these agents fail their mission, they will be killed along with their families, who have bombs planted within their heads. One member of this covert ops unit, a Swedish girl by the name of Anthea Kallenberg, seeks to find who she really is.
Under the Dog (2016)
Genre: Action, Animation, Science Fiction, Thriller
Cast: Asami Seto, Rumi Ookubo, Kouki Uchiyama, Naomi Ozora, Haruka Takahashi
Crew: Keiichi Momose, Masahiro Andou, Hiroaki Yura, Jiro Ishii, Yusuke Kozaki
Release: 2016-08-01
Budget: $6,054,882
Revenue: $23,983,863
Heat Treating Equipment Operator: Lorena Feest
Medical Equipment Preparer: Maribel Kuhlman
Valve Repairer OR Regulator Repairer: Lia Carter I
Soil Conservationist: Ryleigh Ratke
Podiatrist: Isabella Williamson III
Insurance Underwriter: Dejuan Mraz III
Cabinetmaker: Charlie Lemke DDS
Travel Clerk: Kathlyn Bins
Title Searcher: Dominic Bernier Jr.
Agricultural Manager: Claire Daugherty
Cast: Asami Seto, Rumi Ookubo, Kouki Uchiyama, Naomi Ozora, Haruka Takahashi
Crew: Keiichi Momose, Masahiro Andou, Hiroaki Yura, Jiro Ishii, Yusuke Kozaki
Release: 2016-08-01
Budget: $6,054,882
Revenue: $23,983,863
Heat Treating Equipment Operator: Lorena Feest
Medical Equipment Preparer: Maribel Kuhlman
Valve Repairer OR Regulator Repairer: Lia Carter I
Soil Conservationist: Ryleigh Ratke
Podiatrist: Isabella Williamson III
Insurance Underwriter: Dejuan Mraz III
Cabinetmaker: Charlie Lemke DDS
Travel Clerk: Kathlyn Bins
Title Searcher: Dominic Bernier Jr.
Agricultural Manager: Claire Daugherty
Desert (Under) Dog.
UNDERDOG Cartoon Intro.
Apr 1, 2020 ... "Underdog" (Acoustic Version) available now: UnderdogAcoustic Listen to the original version of "Underdog": ....
Jan 13, 2009 ....
Desert (Under) Dog. In My Words - Conor Garland. by Conor Garland / Special to August 9, 2020. Facebook Share. Twitter Share..
underdog definition: 1. a person or group of people with less power, money, etc. than the rest of society: 2. in a…. Learn more..
Looking for Dog Boarding, Daycare, or Grooming in the Dallas TX area? Visit our site to learn how Underdog Kennels can help..
Underdog Pet Rescue of Wisconsin.
Dog Boarding, Grooming, Daycare | Dallas, Highland Park TX | Underdog Kennels.
Underdog is an American animated television series that ran from October 3, 1964, to March 4, 1967 starting on the NBC network until 1966, with the rest of the ....
Designer Dog Collars | Over Under Clothing.
Alicia Keys - Underdog (iHeart Acoustic Video).
UNDERDOG | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary.
Please wait while we wrangle the available pups into a list for you! (It takes a few seconds for the list to load) SEARCHING TIP: If you are looking for a specific kind of dog, you can type those keywords into this search form. For example, you can search for the word “large” or “havanese.”….
Check-out Over Under’s exclusive collection of 100% American made designer dog collars. We offer a range of designs and sizes for your beloved pet..
Underdog Pet Rescue is an all-breed companion animal rescue based out of Dane County, Wisconsin. Our mission is to find permanent homes for animals in need.
Underdog - Wikipedia.
Adoptable Dogs - Underdog Rescue.
An underdog is a person or group in a competition, usually in sports and creative works, who is popularly expected to lose. The party, team, or individual ....
Underdog (TV series) - Wikipedia
UNDERDOG Cartoon Intro.
Apr 1, 2020 ... "Underdog" (Acoustic Version) available now: UnderdogAcoustic Listen to the original version of "Underdog": ....
Jan 13, 2009 ....
Desert (Under) Dog. In My Words - Conor Garland. by Conor Garland / Special to August 9, 2020. Facebook Share. Twitter Share..
underdog definition: 1. a person or group of people with less power, money, etc. than the rest of society: 2. in a…. Learn more..
Looking for Dog Boarding, Daycare, or Grooming in the Dallas TX area? Visit our site to learn how Underdog Kennels can help..
Underdog Pet Rescue of Wisconsin.
Dog Boarding, Grooming, Daycare | Dallas, Highland Park TX | Underdog Kennels.
Underdog is an American animated television series that ran from October 3, 1964, to March 4, 1967 starting on the NBC network until 1966, with the rest of the ....
Designer Dog Collars | Over Under Clothing.
Alicia Keys - Underdog (iHeart Acoustic Video).
UNDERDOG | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary.
Please wait while we wrangle the available pups into a list for you! (It takes a few seconds for the list to load) SEARCHING TIP: If you are looking for a specific kind of dog, you can type those keywords into this search form. For example, you can search for the word “large” or “havanese.”….
Check-out Over Under’s exclusive collection of 100% American made designer dog collars. We offer a range of designs and sizes for your beloved pet..
Underdog Pet Rescue is an all-breed companion animal rescue based out of Dane County, Wisconsin. Our mission is to find permanent homes for animals in need.
Underdog - Wikipedia.
Adoptable Dogs - Underdog Rescue.
An underdog is a person or group in a competition, usually in sports and creative works, who is popularly expected to lose. The party, team, or individual ....
Underdog (TV series) - Wikipedia
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